Thursday, July 1, 2010


                                                        TIME WARNER CABLE
I remember this being a fairly big job, encompassing a lot of boards, scripts and revisions. This ad not only embodied television but Time Warner cables web presence as well. I should be more familiar with the spots, but in actuality, I vaguely remember what the overall theme was... Needless to say though, it was a quick turn almost all storyboards are. Yet this one went relatively smoothly since the Art Director knew exactly what he was looking for and only revisions that came in was on minor things like
clothing adjustments and the like. There were something like 8 individual spots with an average page coverage of 6 panels... that were used. About half that amount came with last minute changes/revisions. So in all, about 60-65 panels were created yet I can barely recall the spots theme. Sad. What else have I forgotten so


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